why we give

give intentionally
Giving is so important, but don’t just take our word for it. Find out what God’s Word has to say about it! Confidence begins where the will of God is known. That’s why we emphasize intentional giving, or giving with a purpose, over emotional giving. Many people have a budget for their personal finances and a savings plan for their financial future, but what about a giving plan? Being in a position to give generously and cheerfully requires planning, and making a plan to give will help to develop and strengthen your faith. What’s your giving goal for this year? Make a plan and go for it!
give regularly
Life change happens EVERY WEEK at Faith Christian Center. When you give consistently to your local church you are making a profound statement. You are communicating to your church, “I see what God is doing here and I’m going to do something regularly to ensure that it continues.” We don’t believe you will look back at a life of regular, consistent giving and wish you had been less committed. You’ll never say in the latter years of your life, “I should have given less to my local, bible-believing church.”
give sacrificially
Giving sacrificially is all about the future. It’s what we do above and beyond our normal tithes and/or offerings. Christ made sacrifices in His day, so that you and I could have a better tomorrow. We want to see what God started here at FCC continue for many years to come and be a blessing to future generations. At different times throughout the year, we will partner together to expand the impact of our church through various building campaigns for such things as:special projects, land acquisition, new construction, the expansion of our existing campus, etc.