Ignite Students

Be closer to God. Build great relationships. Become the next leader.

Genuine • Purposeful • Impactful

We want to see all students, from middle & high school have a relationship with Christ that is genuine, purposeful, and impactful.

Connect with Us!

We are the Student Ministry of Faith4life located in Round Rock, Texas. We meet monthly on 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of each month, to challenge our faith and encourage each other to live the life that God intended for us.

Our student ministry has a emphasis on the Bible, Hands-On ministry, and Leadership.   As students walk this path, they will grow closer to God, build great relationships, and learn how to serve and lead in and outside the church.

Monthly service is on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of each month for 6th-12th grade students. Invite a friend, it’s fun, grow in your faith and relationship with God. A place where you belong.


    Middle School And High School

    Middle and High school Student ministry at Faith4life consists of students that are in 6th-12th grade.


    We encourage Middle School students to attend our monthly BREAKAWAY Service and jump into the Middle School City Group during the Grow Group Semester.

    Question 1: How can my student get involved?

    We encourage Middle & High School students to attend our 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Text “Ignite” 512-714-3334 to receive up to date information on services, events, group games and more!

    Question 2: What's offered for Middle and High School Students on Sunday's ?

    We encourage familities to sit together to hear the Word. The next steps would be for the student to join a volunteer team at Faith4Life Church as they develop leadership skills. Text “Ignite” to 512-714-3334 for upcoming events, and service information.

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